Features of a Good Nest Box:
(source: http://birds.cornell.edu/birdhouse/bhbasics/goodbox.html)

Additional information:

Building Birdhouses
(source: http://birding.about.com/library/blhousespecs.htm)

Various species of birds prefer birdhouses of certain sizes. Of course, you will want to make the entrance hole large enough for the type of bird you wish to nest in it. The hole needs to be ONLY that size since larger holes invite predators (birds, squirrels, etc.) to invade the box, either killing the chicks or taking over the box and evicting the previous residents.

Here's a handy table to use when building birdhouses. Double check the bird house plans you are using to make sure all measurements are in order. Then settle back and enjoy bird watching in your backyard.

             House   House    Hole   Diameter   Height 
 Species     floor   depth    above     of      above 
            (inches) (inches) Floor    Hole     Ground
			     (inches) (inches)  (feet)

Bluebird      5 X 5    8       6       1 1/2    5-10
Chickadee     4 X 4    8-10    6-8     1 1/8    6-15
Titmouse      4 X 4    8-10    6-8     1 1/4    6-15
Nuthatch      4 X 4    8-10    6-8     1 1/4   12-20
Bewick's Wren 4 X 4    6-8     4-6   1 - 1 1/4  6-10  
Carolina Wren 4 X 4    6-8     4-6     1 1/2    6-10
Purple Martin 6 X 6    6       2       2 1/2   10-15

Crested Flycatcher 6 X 6 8-10 6-8 2 8-20

Flicker 7 X 7 16-18 14-16 2 1/2 6-20

Red-Headed Woodpecker 6 X 6 12-15 9-12 2 12-20

Downy Woodpecker 4 X 4 9-12 6-8 1 1/4 6-20

Robin 6 X 8 8 (1+ sides open) 6-15 Barn Swallow 6 X 6 6 (1+ sides open) 8-12 Phoebe 6 X 6 6 (1+ sides open) 8-12 Screech Owl 8 X 8 12-15 9-12 3 10-30 Wood Duck 10 - 18 10-24 12-16 4 10-20